Knowledge Base

Introducing Two Game-Changing Features in Surge.AMS: Live Segment Count and Multi ESP Routing

At Surge.Media, we’re constantly enhancing our platform to help you run smarter, more efficient marketing campaigns. Today, we’re excited to announce two powerful new features: Live Segment Count and the Multi ESP Plugin. These tools will transform how you manage your segments and email routing, giving you better results, increased flexibility, and more control over your email marketing strategy.

1. Live Segment Count: Instant Audience Insights

Creating targeted segments is essential for successful marketing campaigns, but it often comes with one major challenge: waiting for the system to process and update your segments. With the new Live Segment Count feature, we’ve solved this problem for you.

How it Works:
When building dynamic segments, you can now calculate the size of your audience instantly by clicking the “Calculate Now” button. No more waiting for the system background jobs to run or guessing the size of your segment.

Key Benefits:

  • Real-Time Feedback: Get an immediate count of your audience based on the criteria you select.
  • Optimize Targeting: Adjust your filters on the fly to fine-tune your audience size and ensure you’re targeting the right people.
  • Save Time: Skip the delays and make decisions faster with instant insights into your audience size.

By knowing exactly how many people your email will reach as you build your segment, you’ll have more control over your targeting—helping you achieve better engagement and campaign results.

2. Multi ESP Plugin: Seamless Email Routing Across Providers

Email deliverability is key to successful campaigns, and sometimes one ESP (Email Service Provider) or IP isn’t enough to handle different types of email communications. That’s where our new Multi ESP Plugin comes in.

How it Works:
The Multi ESP Plugin allows you to route your emails through different ESPs or IPs based on your needs. Whether you’re sending transactional emails, marketing campaigns, or notifications, you can now choose which ESP or IP to use for each type of email.

Key Benefits:

  • Better Email Management: Separate your transactional and marketing emails by routing them through different ESPs.
  • Improve Deliverability: Increase inbox placement and avoid spam filters by balancing your email traffic across multiple ESPs and IP addresses.
  • Scale Email Delivery: Spread your email campaigns over multiple ESPs to ensure higher throughput and avoid sending limits.
  • Flexibility: Customize your email routing strategy for different email types, campaigns, and customer segments.

By routing emails through the most appropriate ESP, you’ll improve your deliverability, enhance engagement rates, and ensure that your emails land in your customers’ inboxes.

Take Control of Your Email Marketing with These Features

The Live Segment Count and Multi ESP Plugin are designed to give you more control over your marketing campaigns. Whether you want real-time insights into your audience size or the ability to route emails through different providers, these features will help you achieve better results.

Want to see these features in action? Head to your Surge.AMS dashboard today and start leveraging the power of smarter segmenting and seamless email routing.

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? Get in touch with our team for a demo or any questions!

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